Organizational Technologies Don’t Get Much Attention, But They May Be the Most Important Factor Shaping Tomorrow’s Society
Featured review
The conversation around "the future of work" has deep roots. As it reaches a head, it is clear that it is ultimately a systems design issue.
The stability of businesses and of future careers could very well be rooted in employee sharing models- but caution is needed.
Work at the frontiers of biomimicry is positioned to tackle the increasing organizational and sustainability challenges of a densely networked world.
Who’s afraid of the coronavirus? Big businesses — and innovation leaders will need to help meet the challenge.
Emerging force
AI personalization is just another tool in a digital marketer’s arsenal for making great customer journeys, which can pay huge dividends.
Storytelling has been thought of as the domain of writers, however new tools are being designed to find and explore stories hidden in datasets.
It is often forgotten that the first “computers” in businesses and organizations were human beings, usually women, hired to perform complex calculations.
Businesses are looking to profit from the wave of professionals — primarily freelancers — who are leaving their homes behind to work from remote locations.
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